How to Maximise Your Solar PV System During Winter

How to Maximise Your Solar PV System During Winter

As the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, solar panel owners in Perth and across Australia might start to wonder how they can get the most out of their solar photovoltaic (PV) systems during the winter months. While it’s true that solar panels are more commonly associated with sunny summer days, with a bit of know-how and preparation, you can maximise your system’s efficiency and output even during the cooler part of the year. Here’s how.

Get the most out of your solar panels this winter

1. Keep Your Panels Clean

Winter in Perth can bring about more rain and, with it, more dirt and debris that can accumulate on your solar panels. While rain can help clean your panels, it’s not always enough to remove all the buildup. A dirty panel can significantly reduce your system’s efficiency, so it’s crucial to keep them clean. Consider a professional cleaning service if your panels are difficult to access or if doing it yourself poses a safety risk.

2. Adjust the Tilt of Your Panels

The sun sits lower in the sky during winter, which means adjusting the tilt of your panels can help capture more sunlight. The optimal angle can vary, but as a general rule, tilting your panels more steeply than you would in summer can help increase their exposure to solar radiation. If your system doesn’t allow for manual adjustments, don’t worry. Panels installed at a fixed angle are designed to provide a good balance of exposure throughout the year.

3. Monitor Your System’s Performance

Keeping an eye on your system’s performance is always a good idea, but it becomes even more crucial during winter. Use your system’s monitoring tools to track how much energy you’re producing and consuming. If you notice a significant drop in performance, it might be time to consult with a professional to check for any issues.

4. Make Use of Timers and Smart Devices

With shorter days, you’ll want to make sure you’re using your solar energy as efficiently as possible. Timers and smart devices can help by ensuring that energy-intensive tasks (like running the dishwasher or washing machine) happen during daylight hours, making the most of your solar production.

5. Consider Battery Storage

If you don’t already have a battery storage system, winter might be the time to consider investing in one. Battery storage allows you to store excess energy produced during the day so that you can use it during the evening or on particularly cloudy days, ensuring that none of your precious solar power goes to waste.

6. Stay Informed About Rebates and Incentives

Finally, stay informed about any local government or energy provider rebates and incentives that can help offset the costs of maintaining and upgrading your solar PV system. These can provide financial assistance for things like professional cleaning, system checks, or the addition of battery storage.

Winter doesn’t have to mean a significant drop in your solar PV system’s performance. With the right care and adjustments, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of solar power, even during the cooler months. Remember, every bit of sunlight counts, and with these tips, you’ll be well on your way to maximising your solar investment all year round.