Commercial Solar Powered SYSTEMS PERTH

Cut your Carbon Emissions and start slashing your energy bills

Perth Commercial Solar Systems

Solar energy has become an increasingly popular way to power homes and businesses in Perth. With sunny days aplenty, it makes sense to harness the power of the sun and turn it into usable energy. That’s why we are proud to offer a cutting-edge commercial solar power system to our customers in Perth.

Our commercial solar power systems are made up of high-quality solar panels, inverters, and batteries that work together seamlessly to convert sunlight into usable energy. The panels are designed to be durable, weather-resistant and low-maintenance, so you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy for years to come.

Living in Western Australia, it seems like a no-brainer to us that solar panels should be a part of every home. Ready to get started? Contact us today.

Commercial Solar Panels Packages Perth

Types of Commercial Solar Systems

To determine which solar system is best for your business, you’ll need to assess your power consumption and peak consumption times. Generally, it is better to get a slightly bigger system than your needs, as your consumption will likely only increase in time, while ensuring all your daytime power consumption is covered by your system.

6.6kW Solar Power Panel System

20kW Solar Power System

A mid-sized system perfect for businesses wanting to reduce their carbon footprint.

This system will suit workshops, offices, and shopping centers.

7.6kW solar power panel system

30kW Solar Power System

With close to 80 panels, this system requires more roof space to maximise your energy output.

This system is designed for small and medium enterprises.

6.6kW Solar Power Panel System

50kW Solar Power System

Saved thousands if you are a large business by installing a 50kW system with close to 130 panels.

Slash your energy bills. Best coupled with a battery.

7.6kW solar power panel system

Custom Systems & Solar Farms

Whether you’re looking for a Government or investor-owned solar farm, or custom systems, get in touch today, and let’s design your perfect system.

Residential Solar Panels Icon

The Advantages of Solar for your Company

There are many advantages to having solar energy for a business. One of the most significant benefits is the potential cost savings that can be achieved by generating renewable energy on-site.

  • Reduce your power bill: A solar system can significantly reduce a business’s energy costs by reducing or eliminating their reliance on the grid.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: Solar energy is a clean, renewable energy source that does not emit harmful pollutants, helping businesses to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Improved brand reputation: Adopting sustainable practices, such as using solar energy, can enhance a business’s reputation and image.
  • Government incentives: You may be eligible for government subsidies depending on your package.
  • Reliable energy supply: Solar systems provide a reliable energy source, reducing the risk of power outages, when coupled with a battery.
  • Long-term savings: Solar systems have a long lifespan and can generate savings for a business for many years to come.
Commercial Solar Panel Installation Perth

The Solar Installation Process

Installing solar on your business is a fairly straightforward process and we make sure that you’ll capture the most amount of rays every single day to maximise your power production, cost savings, and carbon reduction.

  1. Firstly, we’ll schedule a visit to assess your power consumption needs to be able to provide you with an accurate quote.
  2. We’ll assess for any shading issues and then confirm the placement of your inverters and panels.
  3. We put aside a whole day for completion of the installation, testing, and finally commissioning of your system.
  4. After installation, we’ll connect your system to your WIFI network and demonstrate how it works.
  5. If you’ve opted to upgrade to include an app to accompany your solar system, we’ll also help you set this up and show you some of the information you can view/collect.

Once we have installed the solar system, we also provide contracts for performance monitoring and maintenance. This particular service includes regular monitoring of the system’s performance, scheduled reports, and alerts to prevent any issues or under-performance. Additionally, we offer the option to equip your premises with monitoring equipment so that you can keep track of your energy consumption and expenses more effectively.


Commercial Solar Maintenance

Maintaining commercial solar panels is crucial to ensure their longevity and optimum performance. A professional maintenance service for commercial solar panels typically includes routine cleaning and inspection of the panels and the surrounding area. We also check for any damages or defects that could cause issues with the system’s overall performance. In addition, we offer repair or replacement services for any faulty components.

Regular maintenance can also help to identify and address any potential problems before they become major issues, minimizing downtime and maximizing the system’s efficiency. A reliable maintenance service can help businesses to get the most out of their solar panel investment and save money in the long run.


Frequently Asked Questions About Commercial Solar

We get a lot of calls and customers tend to ask similar questions. Here we hope to answer some of yours.

What is commercial solar and how does it work?

Commercial solar refers to solar panels and systems installed on commercial properties such as businesses, government buildings, and schools. The solar panels capture energy from the sun and convert it into electricity that can be used to power the property.

How much will a commercial solar system cost?

The cost of a commercial solar system depends on a variety of factors such as the size of the system, the type of panels used, and the location of the property. We offer a free consultation to determine the best system for your needs and provide a quote.

Can commercial solar systems be installed on any type of roof?

Yes, solar panels can be installed on almost any type of roof including flat, sloped, and metal roofs. Our team will conduct a site inspection to determine the best installation method for your property.

How long will it take to install a commercial solar system?

The installation time for a commercial solar system varies based on the size and complexity of the installation. Typically, installation can take anywhere from a single day for a small business to a few weeks for large installations.

What are the benefits of installing a commercial solar system?

Installing a commercial solar system can significantly reduce energy bills, improve the property’s energy efficiency rating, and decrease the carbon footprint of the property. It also provides a long-term return on investment and enhances the overall value of the property.

How long do commercial solar systems last?

Commercial solar systems are built to last for decades and typically come with warranties ranging from 20 to 25 years. Regular maintenance and cleaning can also extend the life of the system.

Get in Touch & Start Saving

08 9520 8360
